Prohibited businesses
The following businesses are prohibited businesses.
Fresha may update this list of prohibited businesses from time to time.
- Age-restricted products or services
- Age verification
- Airlines
- Alcohol
- Any product or service that infringes upon the copyright, trademark, or trade secrets of any third-party
- Any product, service or activity that is deceptive, unfair, predatory or prohibited by one or more card networks
- Bail bonds
- Bankruptcy lawyers
- Bidding fee auctions
- Chain letters
- Check cashing, wire transfers or money orders
- Collection agencies
- Counterfeit goods
- Credit card and identity theft protection
- Cruise lines
- Currency exchanges or dealers
- Door-to-door sales
- Drug paraphernalia
- Embassies, foreign consulates or other foreign governments
- Engaging in any form of licensed or unlicensed aggregation or factoring
- Engaging in deceptive marketing practices
- Essay mills
- Evading a Payment Network's chargeback monitoring programs
- Extended warranties
- Firms selling business opportunities, investment opportunities, mortgage consulting, credit repair or protection or real estate purchases with no money down
- Flea markets
- Gambling
- "Get rich quick" schemes
- Illegal products or services
- Mail-order brides
- Medical devices
- Money transmitters or money service businesses
- Multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes
- Negative response marketing
- Pharmacies or pharmacy referral services
- Pre-paid phone cards
- Pseudo-pharmaceuticals
- Prescription medications
- Quasi-cash or stored value
- Securities brokers
- Sexually-oriented products or services categorised as:
- Child pornography
- Fetish gear and services, including S&M paraphernalia
- Hard-core sexually-oriented products and services
- International match-making services
- Pornographic materials displaying sexually explicit pictures, images, and videos
- Sexually explicit telephone or online conversations and chat
- Sexually oriented dating services, including companion/escort services and prostitution
- Sexually oriented massage parlours, sex shows, sex clubs, topless bars, strip shows, and other adult entertainment
- Widgets that allow you to access pornography or pornographic ads
- Selling social media activity, such as Twitter followers, Facebook likes or YouTube views
- Sharing cardholder's data with another merchant for payment of up-sell or cross-sell product or service
- Shipping or forwarding brokers
- Sports forecasting or odds making
- Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs
- Telecommunications equipment and telephone sales
- Telemarketing
- Timeshares
- Tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaporisers and accessories, including e-juice
- Virtual currency that can be monetised, re-sold or converted to physical or digital goods or services or otherwise exit the virtual world or related services
- Weapons and munitions